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    Re: Finkelstein's "Russia has the historical right to invade Ukraine" is way more important a comment th Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on March 7, 2023, 10:00 am, in reply to "Finkelstein's "Russia has the historical right to invade Ukraine" is way more important a comment th"

    The current situation between the West, which is really Washington, and Russia, is worse than the situation that existed prior to the outbreak of WW1.

    The western public has been systematically prepared and groomed for conflict with Russia for well over 10 years. With the Russians increasingly demonized and turned into outlaws compared to us and our most sacred values. This is why our vital interests have been pushed aside, for example, our fundamental economic interests in Europe, in favour of something far more esoteric and defuse, a mirage... our Values. This is a propaganda triumph, convincing vast swathes of the public across the West, that going to war with Russia over invents in Ukraine, is a good, moral and noble thing, and no dissent or opposition can be acceptable in this holy war for freedom and democracy against the evil forces of darkness typified by Putin himself.

    The complexities of the internal politics of Ukraine, where 30% of the people are ethnic Russians and the language and culture was overwhelmingly Russian for centuries; has been canceled and reduced to a simplistic cartoon version of reality.

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