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    Tony G Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on March 19, 2023, 3:33 pm

    How the Zionist movement has used the Holocaust to Sanitise Their Racist Project by Weaponising the Memory of the Murdered 6 Million

     Listen to the recording of the South Africa PSC and Brighton Book Launches for Zionism During the Holocaust

    PSC South Africa Book Launch

    I was privileged to be invited to speak to a meeting of PSC South Africa on 16 March 2023. The meeting was held to launch my book 'Zionism During the Holocaust - the Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State & Nation' in South Africa.

    My book tells the story of how the Zionist movement not only was indifferent to the rescue of Jews from the claws of Hitler's murderers but they actually OPPOSED the rescue of Jews from Europe if their destination was not Palestine. 

    Indeed the German Zionist Federation and the emissary of the Palestinian Jewish Agency, Feivel Polkes, even went to the lengths of pressurising the Gestapo not to allow emigrants from Germany to go anywhere but Palestine.

    Brighton Book Launch

    I have a section in my book (pp. 300-1) ‘The Zionists Lobby the Nazis to Only Allow Emigration to Palestine’ in which I describe how Polkes, a Haganah intelligence agent, came to Berlin for talks with the SD, the SS Security Service, (Sicherheitsdienst ) and the Gestapo between 26 February and 2 March 1937. Polkes offered to become an informant for the Gestapo, sharing Haganah intelligence information, in return for which the Gestapo would pressure the German Jewish communal organisation, the RVt (Reich Representation of German Jews), the umbrella organisation of German Jewry, to require emigrating Jews to settle exclusively in Palestine.

    The Daily Mail - consistently racist and bigoted

    I sourced this from Professor Francis Nicosia’s article Zionism in National Socialist Jewish Policy, and his books Zionism & Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany and The Third Reich and the Palestine Question. This information was obtained from German files captured after the war. The Haganah file on Polkes is closed to researchers because it is too embarrassing.

    According to the cruel logic of Zionism, what was the point of building a Jewish state in Palestine if Jews could find sanctuary in other countries? According to the Zionist 'logic' it was the Jews themselves who were responsible for anti-Semitism, because they were strangers who had outstayed their welcome in other peoples' countries. Ctd....

    Message Thread:

    • Tony G - Keith-264 March 19, 2023, 3:33 pm