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    Re: The "Message" - Rejecting Gender Ideology Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on March 30, 2023, 10:25 am, in reply to "The "Message" - Rejecting Gender Ideology"

    Thanks for posting. NZ had its near riot when Posie Parker came here. Almost every politician and the MSM were stoking up the contention, and encourage a mass protest - the Greens were full on in cancel culture mode to stop her coming. The Nazi slur came her way, even when the Jewish councils in Austria and NZ said this was not true.

    I thought what was happening was disgusting yet all the politicians said how proud they were of NZ and of Marama Davidson who let slip some seriously racist comment about white men.

    This gender ideology is insane. My wife is incredibly upset about what is happening and the denigration of women who dare to speak up.

    I have written a long letter to one of our local MPs who came to a meeting here recently and said at the end how thrilled she'd been with the demonstration (no mention of the violence, one old lady got a fractured orbit from some rabid man). and trying to excuse Davidson's comment. The only sane MP was the right wing David Saymour. My letter is to complain to this MP, a woman, and a Green, and point out a few home truths. Anyone raising children nowadays has to be worried by this perverse agenda.

    The more you investigate this phenomenon, the more bizarre it is, and it's most worrying in the perverted indoctrination of children, creepy is hardly an adequate word to explain one's discomfiture.

    Its a viral pandemic of a cult phenomenon, a sort of moral panic, like the child ritual abuse panic. Trans people represent about 0.3% of the western population and are a insignificant minority, discriminated against no doubt, but no worse than being black or Maori, or even old, like me!! But somehow or other dare to suggest a trans woman is not an actual woman, it's as if you're threatening her very existence.

    At least Lord Coe has his head screwed on and is banning trans women from women's only categories of athletic competition in the World Athletic Federation. That's been a ridiculous fight for years. NZ had a "trans woman" weight lifter in the Olympics, Laurel Hubbard, and woke NZ thought this was brilliant. The scientific fact is that men retain a muscular and skeletal advantage whatever they try to get their testosterone level down to or how much oestrogen they have on board.

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