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    $50(!) each - minimal, self cooling houses designed by ex-Boeing genius. Quick flat folding Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on March 31, 2023, 11:00 am

    (This may sound like a sales pitch. )

    Why are they not,er, "taking off" globally ?

    Put 5-6 close together - space out and chill. No air-con needed.

    They take about 30 seconds to erect, take down, fold up.

    Cool, literally.

    He originally designed them for Burning Man visits.

    I bet my bottom dollar there are no UK or European TV shows/series that focus on dirt-cheap non-conforming housing/homelessness solutions like this - despite the 24/7 plethora of market-fuelling house and property shows(there seem to be as many TV shows of the "I Want That House" and "Grand Design" kind now as there were before the 2008 property/mortgage/financial collapse).

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