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    "Oh boy - what have I said?" Well most of us probably have no idea... Archived Message

    Posted by Laurie on April 7, 2023, 12:45 am, in reply to "Re: "Oh boy - what have I said?" Well most of us probably have no idea..."

    The last video is worthwhile watching. Seth Harp has some questionable ideas about the state of the war in Ukraine, the the politics of Azov, but good points about US creation of al-Qaeda and Daesh. And makes clear what US imperialism is all about:

    “We don't have the capacity to directly implement US policies or US preferences but what we can do is make sure your country suffers indefinitely and that your people starve and it sets an example to show other countries that don't play by our rules – do you want to be like Yemen, do you want all your babies starving and being born weighing practically nothing in the hospitals because the mothers are malnourished? Do you want to be completely deprived of access to your bank accounts like the people of Afghanistan that just have their money stolen from them, just taken from them and what given to the NYPD or the victims of 9/11 - where the hell they did with it? Yeah, that's what the US can do, we can't win wars: we lost in Iraq, we lost in Afghanistan, lost in Syria, lost in Yemen, lost in Somalia, lost in Mali, got displaced by the **ckin Wagner Group, because JSOC did such a piss-poor job over there.

    So we can't win wars, but what we can do is destroy your country and make your people suffer by the millions. And that's like I said sets a powerful example for other countries when they look at their options, countries like Hungary or countries like Georgia. So it's pretty depressing to know that's the game our government is playing, our supposedly democratic government, which isn't democratic because you can't get rid of these people – try voting against Victoria Newland, try voting against people like Jake Sullivan, they're going to be in power no matter what.”

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