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    96% of soy is for meat - impact on indigenous people, habitats, forests, agric land, eco-systems etc Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on April 8, 2023, 10:57 am

    96% of soy is for meat (including chicken) - impact on indigenous people, habitats, forests, agric land, eco-systems etc

    (If any of you can manage to stop selectively weeping about evil EVs, wicked cobalt and nickel for a minute or two..)

    Yeah. It ain't just about the Big Oil and gasoline fuelling the world's ultra-destructive(geopolitically+environmentally) yet "normalized", accepted and still furiously defended addiction to the Infernal Combustion Engine - it's also about Big Meat - including Big Chicken:


    "96% of the soy from the Amazon is fed to cows, pigs and chickens, which are then consumed around the world, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. 80% of the world’s entire soy produce comes from Brazil, the US and Argentina."

    "Four-fifth of the world’s entire soybean production is now fed to livestock. Why is soy the bean of choice for the animals? Other than being relatively cheap and non-perishable, it’s a form of energy and protein that makes the animal gain muscle and size in order to make more money at auction and provide more meals on plates around the world."

    "Only 3% of animals’ plant-based feed goes on to be converted into meat. If we were to eat the soy as our protein source rather than feeding it to livestock, deforestation would decline by a massive 94%. This makes even more sense when you consider that soy can produce five to 15 times more protein per acre than land set aside for grazing animals to make milk or produce meat."
    "Deforestation in Brazil was up 72% between August 2019 and May 2020, with rates across 2019-20 worse than 2008."

    "The Union of Concerned Scientists sums it up nicely: “You are more likely to find a typical soybean in a ham and cheese sandwich or chicken nugget than a block of tofu.”

    "The UK imports approximately 3.2 million tonnes of soy annually, with an additional 600,000 tonnes already embedded in meats and other produce that we import."

    "Around 10.4 million hectares of rainforest — and of that total, 6.3 million hectares of primary forest — are still disappearing every single year."
    And of course it ain't just about lovely, beautiful trees disappearing - it's also about the devastating local impact on people and communities("indigenous" or not) and on all "indigenous" local well as all the other mega-destructive global impacts of soy production for meat - including chicken - referred to above.

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