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    A new world conspiracy TV series for our times. Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on May 29, 2023, 12:42 am

    Hello all, my wife and I have just been watching the first two episodes of "Rabbit Hole", a world conspiracy series starring Kiefer Sutherland as a corporate spy and fixer, the first episode of which features a shade of the series "Hustle", but with a bigger theme of a world wide conspiracy.

    There are a lot of such thrillers around, a well-worn subject for a bit of mindless televisual excitement,

    In an idle moment or two I got to thinking what a conspiracy theory for today might really look like. My daughters thought the result was amusing, I hope you like it too.

    WOKE - New BBC TV conspiracy series.

    WOKE (World Order of Kindness Enforced) Is a a sinister cabal of powerful of transgender women headed by a ruthlessly empathetic cis-uterus-owner, known as “The Madam” who bears a startling resemblance to a world renowned former PM of New Zealand, This cabal plans to take over the world, by spiking covid vaccines with a powerful mind altering drug that permanently inhibits aggression, greed and libido in cis-men and renders in both sexes a hyper-contentment - akin to a religious meekness and pride in earnest poverty.

    This conspiracy starts to be revealed when the US president and the UK PM agree that a terrible war in Eastern Europe must be ended - they send an open letter to the leaders of the combatants, pleading with them to be kinder and compassionate, and would they please, please stop the fighting for the sake of their country’s sons and older cis-soldiers? At the same time the US President quits the White House and takes up residence in a rented terrace house in a meaner and blacker part of Washington, and the UK PM takes to lodging with and befriending the socialist ex-leader of the Labour Party in his modest London home, whilst giving all his wealth away to a housing charity. This behaviour is so out of character, that when other politicians and corporate leaders start behaving similarly, MI5 and the CIA investigate, and start to understand something of this conspiracy. The urgency is dialled up dramatically when the water supplies start to be affected.

    The threat of a pandemic of kindness, non-violence and no demand for unnecessary goods and services threatens 90% of the world’s economic activity. Political and corporate leaders are panicking, the police and military hierarchy foresee a time that they are totally surplus to requirements, and they have conspired themselves to secretly employ Jake Fischer (Keifer Sutherland), a retired US Marine who now lives in London and who is married to fashion model and ace IT consultant, Jodie Glow (Rachel Weisz), in a deeply clandestine operation codenamed SLEEP - (which turns out to be a fortuitous re-use of an acronym developed earlier to describe neoliberal capitalism - Silence Love and Empathy, Exterminate Philanthropy) to find the headquarters of this cabal, and eliminate them.

    Meanwhile BBC TV executives, planning to make their latest conspiracy thriller, get to hear of this operation through a phone conversation of King Charles with MI5, illegally tapped by a Daily Mail reporter. They realise they can save a lot of money in their cash-strapped organisation after the Tory government cut their funding by not having to employ actors or special effects, and they arrange their best cameramen and sound recorders to secretly follow Fischer on his mission. .The producers know the recordings will be primitive, but they’ll add a great deal to the verisimilitude of the series.

    Episode one opens in King Charles’s office in Buckingham palace with the new King tetchily shaking his pen and talking angrily down the phone. We can’t hear what he’s saying, as the camera is outside the Palace filming through the window with a telephoto lens, and as the shouts of the Palace Guards outside drown out the conversation………..

    ..... a work in progress.

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