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    Simplicius: Putin Strikes Back - Destroys GUR Bunker? Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on June 1, 2023, 1:03 am

    1 Jun 2023

    For the first time, Putin himself nonchalantly confirmed that Ukraine's
    intelligence headquarters were hit:

    As well as a video where Verkhovna Rada deputy Alexei Goncharchenko, whilst
    drunk, confirms in the affirmative to the question of whether the GUR HQ was

    ⚡️⚡️⚡️ A video has leaked to the Internet, where drunk Goncharenko in shorts
    confirms the hit on the GUR headquarters😱

    Many are speculating that this is tied to the big 'earthquake' in Kiev that was
    reported days ago. The common consensus is that there were deep underground
    bunkers beneath the GUR building where NATO intelligence officers were helping
    to coordinate the war effort with the GUR/SBU and Russia used some sort of
    powerful ground-penetrating munition - perhaps a Kinzhal with penetrating head -
    to hit it.

    These theories are further supported by various rumors, like that NATO flights
    were taking off from Reszow, Poland toward an American military hospital in
    -- Cont'd at

    Message Thread:

    • Simplicius: Putin Strikes Back - Destroys GUR Bunker? - sashimi June 1, 2023, 1:03 am