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    Nukes in ITALY not just in Turkey in 1961, Prof Sachs!! Sachs' brilliant Duran(Cuban Crisis etc) Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on June 19, 2023, 5:24 am

    (Nukes in ITALY not just in Turkey in 1961, Prof Sachs!! Sachs' brilliant Duran - 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis etc)

    Professor Sachs' extremely moving and powerful performance was a tad more than slightly spoiled for me by his failure (repeated by almost all 1962 Cuban Crisis commentators, movies, documentaries etc) to mention that the US had placed Jupiter nuclear missiles not just in Turkey in 1961 - but in Italy too !!!

    Almost all commentators bizarrely only ever mention Turkey.
    Why for chrissakes/crisis-crissakes!?!?
    Or for Pete's Peace sake, for that matter...

    I can find no evidence that this "Italy Nuke" fact is disputed by anyone - so why does Prof Sachs like 99.99% of commentators and narratives repeatedly refer only to the US's missiles-in-Turkey crisis provocation?

    The National Security Archive and George Washington University(see extract+link below) for instance DO get it right - Jupiter missiles were placed in Turkey AND Italy in 1961(see operations "Pot Pie I & II" below) - a year before (Soviet) Russia placed missiles in Cuba.

    And similarly - absolutely everyone I've ever heard discussing the 1962 Cuban crisis also re-repeats this "Italy Silence" in the subsequent context of Khrushchev's peace-deal agreement with JFK never to publicly reveal that the US agreed to remove their missiles "from Turkey".
    No! From Turkey AND bl**dy Italy for chrissakes - or for crisis-crissakes, Pete's Peace sake!!

    National Security Archive, George Washington University tell it like it was - Turkey AND Italy. Two "Pot Pie" missile ops.

    Note references to US operations Pot Pie I(Turkey) and Pot Pie II(Italy):

    "Sixty years ago, during April 1963, the US Air Force took steps to implement the final stage of the secret US-Soviet deal that helped resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis with the dismantling of the Jupiter missiles deployed in Italy and Turkey. While Air Force leaders had no knowledge of the secret agreement, they had instructions from the Defense Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to remove the Jupiters and to render them “unidentifiable,” according to the Air Force’s declassified “Plan for the Withdrawal and Disposition” of the Jupiter system published here today for the first time by the National Security Archive and the Wilson Center's History and Public Policy Program. The Air Force dubbed the dismantling operations Pot Pie I (Italy) and Pot Pie II (Turkey).

    So the US National Security Archive gets it right - Turkey AND Italy. Pot Pie 1 & 2. Wikipedia also gets it right.

    But Britannica doesn't mention Italy at all in its Cuban Missile Crisis pages:

    So: Prof Sachs/TheDuran - a brilliant and (almost) tearfully moving, vastly wide-ranging and extended tour de force .
    But he and his hosts - like 99.99% of everyone else on the planet - fails to mention the US (Jupiter) nukes placed in Italy not just Turkey in 1961 and all quietly removed in 1963 as part of the Armageddon-avoid peace deal or crisis resolution. A double serving of Pot Pies.

    Is it just a case of extremely uncharacteristic, hand-me-down, group/collective ignorance?

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