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    John Harris - "What is the politics of complete exhaustion?" Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on June 26, 2023, 4:18 am, in reply to "Paul Mobbs on the retirement age going up and 'multidimensional poverty'"

    Similarly, John Harris has an article in the Guardian about widespread hopelessness in the UK. John Harris as an antidote to Luke Harding perhaps?.

    "Britain is used to crises now. But this widespread hopelessness is new – and frightening"

    "In 15 years of on-the-ground political reporting, I don’t think I have ever experienced a more forlorn and frustrated public mood than the one that looks set to define this year. Some of people’s grievances are only too familiar: low pay, insecurity, a sense of being hopelessly cut off from power and influence. Others – inflation, impossible mortgage payments, rents, and the overlooked effects of the pandemic – have arrived comparatively recently.

    What also seems new is the sheer reach of these problems, into parts of the population we might have previously considered to be relatively affluent. All this points to a question that now feels inescapable: what is the politics of complete exhaustion?"

    Sober examination of the state of the nation. The UK has been declining for years, and neoliberalism is the major culprit. But to me, in the wider sense, capitalism itself is the problem, it literally has no rational answers to the problems facing the UK and most other countries. No use dusting down Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" for help now. He wrote his thesis when Scotland's population was about 1.5 million and the entire planet's population was less than today's China, his theses resources, on things, being available. . But we have run out of air, run out of ocean, run out of water, run out of soil, run out of ice, run out of wild life, run out of nature itself - we have run out of room.

    Worth a read.

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