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    r u still refusing to research Prof Ralph Baric+Detrick's Lisa Hensley SARS work since 1990's? Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on June 30, 2023, 2:37 pm, in reply to "Dr Peter Hotez has no links to Chinese Biowarfare Programme"

    Nothing to see at Detrick, obviously.

    Look only over there at wicked China not over here at lovely Fort Detrick/USAMRIID - with its unrivalled, delightfully leak-free, ethically pristine, safety-first reputation and track-record.

    Remember - look over there not over here.

    Ignore Detrick, Woldesenbet, Hensley, multiple Detrick virus-death cover-ups(confirmed in NYT archives etv) etc etc and ignore the CDC's July 15, 2019 Cease & Desist order that shut down the demonic ex-MK Ultra base for a record-breaking 8 months until April 1,2020.

    And when the John Hopkins Center for Health Security - based in Maryland like Detrick - announced a pandemic simulation exercise "EVENT201" on August 21, 2019 just three weeks after the Detrick shutdown began - ignore it completely and like ALL ostensible "alternative", "truth-seeking" media sources and voices NEVER mention or research any of the above. EVER.

    Don't ask, Don't tell.

    And shut up too about the origin of the 2001 anthrax terror attacks.

    No - nothing to see at Fort Detrick in mid-2019 - partly because large key sections of the CDC's Cease & Desist report were heavily redacted for "national security reasons".

    Ignore all of that and sooo much more - think Wuhan/China/Fauci/Wuhan/China/Fauci - ad nauseam.

    Avoid talking about Fort Detrick - like the frukkin' PLAGUE.

    Or else.

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