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    Posted by Ken Waldron on July 1, 2023, 11:50 pm, in reply to "Simplicius - SITREP 30 Jun 2023: Winds Gather Before the NATO Summit"

    Here's hoping:

    arthur brogard
    17 hr ago
    Missing throughout all this from beginning to now is an aware population. On the western side and on Kiev side.

    Total ignorance and false belief is what they have.

    And that's the wild card. Let the Kiev Ukrainians begin to understand what cannon fodder they are for the sake of American profiteers and with an ultimate goal of merely ethnic cleansing their own Ukrainian brothers and they will want Americans out and their own people deciding their own fates.

    Let the western masses understand the same truth: that it is Kiev attempting to ethnic cleanse Donbas and all for the sake of profiteers and they will not be happy.

    There is a deep semantic confusion at the heart of all this.

    What is ' a nation ' ?

    Is 'Ukraine' a lump of dirt?

    Is 'Ukraine' a bunch of crooked greedy power crazy monsters?

    Is 'Ukraine' a political philosophy?

    Or is 'Ukraine' a bunch of people?

    Well: it is a bunch of people. That's what nations are. First and last: bunches of people.

    Now the Ukrainian people largely STILL have everything they ever had.

    They still own their own land and have their own governments. From one end to the other.

    EXCEPT where Kiev has invaded Donbas.

    So the only despoilation of 'Ukraine' is that which the USA and KIEV have done.

    Get the USA out and the lunatics in Kiev out and all will be well.

    Let the people once realise that simple truth and all these conjectures and complicated twisted fancies can be put aside.

    Like what is the big, big, big thing in the west today as regards this? To HELP Ukrainians isn't it?

    Isn't it?

    Well if Kiev Ukrainians have their land and property and government.

    And Donbas Ukrainians have their land and property and government.

    THE PEOPLE are alright basically.

    And ANYONE that promotes continued bloodshed between them in any way at all is NOT 'helping Ukrainians'.

    That is as starkly simple and obvious as the nose on your face.

    One day the penny will drop and the Ukrainian PEOPLE will realise what fools the USA and the lunatics in Kiev are making of them. And will refuse to let it continue.

    On that day a REAL Ukrainian 'nation' will be born.

    And THAT is the ONLY way a real Ukrainian nation can be born.

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