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    Re: Southfront: "Saving Ukraine" NATO prepares for war Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on July 24, 2023, 3:05 pm, in reply to "Southfront: "Saving Ukraine" NATO prepares for war"

    I'm sure the idiots would love to but having sat back and watched their wonder weapons fail, their ammunition be used up, their artillery break down under stress of real use and their much vaunted Leopard tanks and Bradleys left as bonfires in the fields of Ukraine it will be a long time coming... and they would need to garner positive public support which is on its way down rather than up.

    On the other hand it wont stop the warmongers from trying. It did strike me that all this fake moral waffle pushing this Neo-Idealism" nonsense is likely a possible reheat intended to popularise our old friend "humanitarian intervention" merely under a different name...preparing to repeat of the spectacle (now largely dropped into the memory hole) of those friendly humanitarian bombs NATO dropped on Belgrade.

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