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    Tony G. Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on September 3, 2023, 8:25 am

    UPDATE ON UNITE & SHARON GRAHAM’S BAN ON ‘Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie’ & Asa Winstanley’s ‘Weaponising Anti-Semitism’

    According to Gail Cartmail, Unite has had no contact with the Zionist smear group, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism

    In my recent blog I wrote an Open Letter to Sharon Graham, Unite General Secretary, asking

    ‘How does support for the Palestinians square with working with the Israeli-state funded Campaign Against Anti-Semitism?’

    I also sent an email with links to my blog to Graham’s spokesperson, Gail Cartmail, making the same points, albeit slightly more forcefully!

    I have to confess my letter was somewhat intemperate but by this time I was fed up with the lies, deceptions and excuses of Unite officials and the fact that Unite, despite pretending to support the Palestinians, was simply echoing the Zionist claims about a film that deconstructed the false anti-Semitism campaign of the Zionists.

    Cartmail sent me an email less than two hours later in which she said:

    Your disagreeable attack is based on a falsehood. No one in Unite took advice from the Campaign Against Antisemitism, on ‘Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie’, nor indeed any other matter.

    I was advised to check my facts ‘before launching another ill-informed and blatantly untrue broadside.’ I must confess that I didn’t expect a straight denial of what the CAA alleged.

    Now it is of course possible that the CAA are lying. The CAA are as obnoxious a bunch of Zionists as it is possible to find. They slander and defame anyone who expresses any support for the Palestinians. Ctd....

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