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    Re: Enemies, enemies everywhere .. Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on September 13, 2023, 12:17 am, in reply to "Enemies, enemies everywhere .."

    "You’ve got me wondering now about Sir Anthony Wedgewood Benn (Viscount Stansgate)"

    -No Gods and Precious Few Heroes...

    His son's now a lord after inheriting the title Tony supposedly "gave up" but didn't.

    I remember burning images of Benn as "Denis the Nuclear Menace" 45 ago at Torness. Tony went from being anti-nuclear to its biggest salesman. He later of course claimed he had been "misinformed" and that it was one of the political mistakes in his life:
    "I was told, when I was in charge of it, that atomic energy was cheap, safe and peaceful. It isn’t."
    Politicians only seem to tell something resembling the truth when they lose power. I knew what Tony didn't at age 15 when I was being bundled into the back of a police van for opposing his policies.

    The real purpose of both Chapelcross and Calderhall had not been "cheap energy" as had been advertised but bomb-making materials...and of course having lots of nukes went hand in hand with that Brit jingoistic love of being a world player "punching above your weight" I still find it difficult to believe that he was truly misinformed as claimed or was later being somewhat disingenuous.

    Then of course there's St Tony's love of "First past the post" and all that pretend nonsense about the "constituency link" which the bully-beef Raj use to steal any chance of a real democracy.

    -Never trust posh-boy lefties: they come from the establishment and they return to the fold at the doff of a (top..) hat.

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