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    Re: They got the hasbara lies in the wrong order... Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on October 18, 2023, 7:57 am, in reply to "They got the hasbara lies in the wrong order..."

    The situation is incredibly dangerous, as both sides Hamas and Israel need escalation in order to prevail.

    Israel is concerned that it can't fight a war and win it, if Hezbollah and Iran intervene while they are bogged down in Gaza. Hezbollah and Iran may never get a chance as good as this again to give Israel a bloody nose.

    Israel want's to escalate by bringing the United States into the conflict on their side so the US can take care of the border to Lebanon and Hezbollah/Iran.

    By atacking the hospital they massively escalate and provoke Hezbollah/Iran as well as the Arabs all over the Middle East. Israel needs to light a bigger bonfire and draw allies into the flames, because a Israeli defeat, or non-victory, has profound consequences for the West in the Middle East and beyond.

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