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    Tony G. After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on October 19, 2023, 11:40 am

    Israel's Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

    After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid State - We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State

    Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza

    The apartheid supporting war crimes denier Mark Regev appeared on BBC News to say the IDF does not target hospitals.

    Yesterday Israel bombed the Rafah border crossing (it was reported by the BBC) & today an IDF spokesman denied it happened. We know Israel lies.
    — Saul Staniforth (@SaulStaniforth) October 17, 2023

    Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief
    How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies

    This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14. in the midst of Israel's last major blitzkrieg in Gaza. See how accurate are its predictions?

    The third video is from August 6, 2022

    This is it:
    — Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) October 17, 2023

    The BBC and the Prostitute Media are going into overdrive to convince us that the Palestinians bombed their own hospital. They are lying through their teeth. If you want to read about the mendacity and dishonesty of the establishment press see Media Lens's The ‘Absolute Right’ To Commit War Crimes? Gaza, Israel And Labour ‘Opposition’.

    Whilst Israeli right-wingers are boasting about Israel's bombing of the hospital, its leaders are pretending that it was an own goal. Israel did exactly the same a year ago when it put out a fake video claiming that the Palestinians had killed Shireen Abu Akleh. It was only research by CNN, the NYT, Forensic Architecture, B'tselem and Bellingcat among others that forced Israel to admit that its soldiers had murdered Shireen.

    Jonathan Cook, an award winning former Guardian journalist, hit the nail on the head when he said that we are in another WMD situation. We are being gaslighted. Cook declared:

    It's not just unlikely that a Palestinian rocket hit the Gaza hospital. It's impossible. The media know this, they just don't dare say it

    Max Blumenthall of Grayzone in Judgment Day - The Grayzone live methodically examines the footage of the missile hitting the hospital. This was no misfired rocket dropping from the air at a slow velocity but a high explosive supersonic missile. But Biden and the United States will buy into any lie to exonerate its guard dog in the Middle East.

    Message Thread:

    • Tony G. After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic - Keith-264 October 19, 2023, 11:40 am