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    UK permits antisemitism, says counter-extremism adviser Archived Message

    Posted by johnlilburne on October 20, 2023, 11:19 am

    Mr Simcox was appointed as commissioner for countering extremism by then-Home Secretary Priti Patel in July 2022, having performed the role in an interim capacity since March 2021.

    He is a former research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society, a think tank that advocates the spread of liberal democracy, and a former Margaret Thatcher Fellow at The Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.

    No agenda, there, then.

    It seems clear that certain parties are using the present situation in Palestine to push a wider anti-Muslim agenda.

    The subtext is that criticism of Israel and support for the Palestinians is antisemitic and
    therefore pro-Muslim and therefore pro the supposed Muslim agenda of 'replacement', taking over the west (Europe then America) by stealth (through immigration etc).

    The so-called Corbynist hard left are enablers and the soft left/liberals are naifs in their support for the 'Muslim' agenda. They motivated by hatred of the west and its values.

    Labelling Corbyn and his supporters as antisemitic is read as being pro-Muslim and therefore anti-British.

    Zionist Israel has to be supported - come what may - because it is a bastion of western civilisation in a sea of barbarity (in a major oil producing
    region and near the Suez canal).

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