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    Re: Blood libel... Archived Message

    Posted by RaskolnikovX on October 20, 2023, 5:55 pm, in reply to "Blood libel..."

    I saw that article and it was on my list to spit at but I don't need to bother now.

    They (apartheid state and it's media operatives) seem to think they can just throw out any old bollocks and as long as it's somehow connected to anti-semitism it will be accepted and treated seriously. Unfortunately they are mostly correct when it comes to the m.s.m.

    It's interesting to note how "blood libel" has changed from meaning the myth that Jews kill Christians children to drink they blood or use it in religious rites to Israel killed someone (usually hundreds of someones) and we don't want to admit.

    If they had any spine or balls at all, and of course they don't, they would just point out the massive flaw in the hasbara.

    Honestly I've had enough of it. I can't even stand hearing these lying bastards or reading their main stream handmaiden's excusing their every blood-drenched action.

    I skimmed the fraudian's front page and saw a headling "Al-Ahli Arab hospital blast: US intelligence report estimates death toll to be 100 to 300" it seems to have disappeared from the front page now although it is still here:

    Well we can all stop wondering now that US intelligence is telling us what's what. It's not like they ever lie.

    Meanwhile this has replaced it:

    and even before you read it you know the CST are going to be involved in producing that number and sure enough, they are buried half way down the page but the headline makes it read like it's organic police reporting.

    Figures from the Met covering London show that 218 antisemitic offences were recorded from 1 October to 18 October this year, compared with 15 in the same period last year.


    Of the incidents, 31 were attacks on Jewish property. Three-quarters were online, including threats; 35 were at schools and 45 at universities.

    I would love to see a detailed breakdown of those supposed incidents.


    Ade Adelekan, the deputy assistant commissioner, described the rise as “significant” and said Islamophobic offences in London were up 140% over the same period, from 42 in 2022 to 103.

    but we hear nothing more about those incidents whatsoever.

    Funny that.

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