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    Re: Well done Flash. Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on October 21, 2023, 12:30 pm, in reply to "Well done Flash. "

    The BBC, like the British state, has an unofficial, 50 year rule, in relation to certain types of stories that are seen as... 'controversial'.

    For example, I've heard stories about events in Norhtern Ireland and violence, assassinations, aimed at Catholics, which would never have been aired at the time. One just has to wait around for 50 years and be patient!

    Only a few days ago I heard a report from Kenya about an old guy who decided he wanted to learn to read and enrolled in a school. Anyway they mentioned in passing that he'd been a Mau Mau fighter all those years ago. It struck me immediately that at the time they were labelled terrorists by the British, and accused of all sorts of terrible crimes, massacres and atrocities, targetting civilians; most of it massively exaggerated by the British media compared to the thousands killed in reprisals. But not a word of this was mentioned. Why on earth did they even say he was an ex Mau Mau?

    To be fair there have been BBC stories about the guerilla war in Kenya, but that was only because of the 50 year rule.

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