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    CAGE on Schedule 7 Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on October 21, 2023, 3:52 pm

    ie: the part of the 2000 terrorism act that Craig Murray and others have been detained under. To my shame I didn't realise the extent to which this power has been used & abused to target Muslims and non-white people, apparently tied in with the govt's draconian PREVENT strategy from back in 2011, and now being further exploited to harrass migrants:


    Nationality and Borders Bill expands ‘draconian’ Schedule 7 stop powers to ‘criminalise’ migrants
    February 4th, 2022|Press Release, Schedule 7

    London – The Nationality and Borders Bill as currently drafted seeks to amend the Schedule 7 powers under the Terrorism Act 2000, to grant the police the power to stop migrants who arrive in small vessels, interrogate them for up to 6 hours and confiscate their electronic devices without the need for suspicion or the right to ‘no comment’. Non compliance to Schedule 7 results in a terrorism conviction. [1]

    In 2019, a CAGE report into Schedule 7 outlined how it is used primarily as a surveillance tool, and only 30 of 420,000 people stopped between 2010-2019 were ever convicted under this power. This translates to 99.993% of people stopped being entirely innocent. [2]

    This is an exceptional power which we and other experts have warned would only expand once in place. Now, fears and prejudices towards migrants are being exploited to extend Schedule 7 and the powers of the security state. [3]
    Muhammad Rabbani, Managing Director of CAGE said:

    “A CAGE report into Schedule 7 found that this is an institutionally Islamophobic power that strips individuals of their basic rights under the pretense of countering terrorism.”

    “The constant framing of refugees as ‘security risks’ has further exacerbated the hostile environment and entrenched anti-migrant rhetoric with counter terror laws, as demonstrated by the proposed expansion of Schedule 7.”

    “It is a clear example of the government’s pro-surveillance ideology in the driving seat, and will take us a step closer towards normalising this draconian power to all travellers, even well after they arrive in the UK.”

    “As someone who has been stopped under Schedule 7 countless times, I recognise that expanding the power is an attempt to circumvent current legal protections for asylum, and to subject people fleeing conflict to invasive and degrading treatment in Britain. This is about criminalising migrants and refugees, not about safety.”


    [2] Download the report from here:

    [3] Julian Assange: Counter-terrorism strategies targeting Muslims will affect the wider population:

    Image courtesy of Flickr/Håkan Dahlström

    (NOTE: CAGE represents cases of individuals based on the remit of our work. Supporting a case does not mean we agree with the views or actions of the individual. Content published on CAGE may not reflect the official position of our organisation.)




    Why this petition matters
    Started by
    Cerie Bullivant

    The All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims must investigate the discrimination of Muslims travelling through UK Borders and ensure that Islamophobia at all levels of society is challenged.

    UPDATE 18/03/2020: It was revealed this week in the Observer, that a Muslim woman, ‘Asiyah,’ who pursued a judicial review against the police and won, with the help of CAGE and her lawyers, after she was coerced to remove her hijab at Heathrow airport. This is the latest event to highlight the Islamophobic nature of Schedule 7 stops.

    More than half a million people have been stopped and interrogated under Schedule 7 powers since their introduction. The Guardian newspaper ran a headline describing these powers as ‘structural Islamophobia’. It followed a new report by CAGE which compiled evidence supporting this claim.

    A Cambridge based research found that 88% of people stopped at a particular airport were Muslims. In 2016 the Home Office itself admitted that 78% of those stopped were of ethnic minorities.

    What happens during a Schedule 7 stop:

    The Police can detain you without suspicion for up to 6 hours.
    You do not have the right to remain silent
    The Police can search you and seize your possessions.
    The Police can confiscate your electronic devices for up to seven days, and they can coerce you to disclose your passwords.
    The Police can collect and retain your data.
    The Police can force you to surrender your DNA and fingerprints.
    The Police can strip search you.

    All this without the suspicion of any crime.

    Women have had their Hijabs removed.
    Pilgrims have missed their flights.
    Children and elders have been detained.

    Enough is enough.

    It is the duty of the APPG on British Muslims to investigate prejudice, discrimination and hatred against Muslims in the UK. We urge them to investigate the Home Office and Police on the Islamophobic nature of Schedule 7 powers.

    Islamophobia at all levels of society must be challenged.


    For more on this story read here:

    UPDATED 18/3/2020 The Observer:
    The Guardian: Detention of Muslims at UK ports and airports 'structural Islamophobia'.
    5 Pillars: CAGE calls for repeal of “Islamophobic” Schedule 7 laws
    The Metro: Muslim couple held by terror cops at Heathrow on return from Hajj.
    Middle East Eye: UK authorities log religion of people stopped on country's borders, form reveals
    TRT World: Azad Ali Speaks to TRT about the Structural Islamophobia faced by Muslims at UK Borders
    CAGE releases first-ever Schedule 7 report evidencing Islamophobia at UK borders, and calls for APPG on British Muslims to investigate the Home Office

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