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    And now here's the obligatory 'I condemn Hamas'... Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on October 21, 2023, 10:44 pm, in reply to "Re: Octopii are not amused .."

    'It goes without saying - or so I thought - that I’m against the horrific attacks by hamas. As I said, “the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.”

    Predictably the hasbara psychos aren't satisfied and have intensified their shrieking, eg:

    'Dana Gat @DanaGat1
    It has been two weeks since they kidnapped babies, children and elderly.
    Two weeks that parents don't know if their kids are alive or not.
    Don't support those who kidnap babies from their parents' arms. Don't support terrorists.
    #BringThemHomeNow #HamasisISIS

    Ella Travels אלה קינן @EllaTravelsLove

    raz_sauber @raz_sauber
    I dont see in your hashtags #FreeTheHostages

    Elad Simchayoff @Elad_Si
    It doesn't "go without saying". It needs to be said. You still haven't really said it, by the way.

    el pelícano @ha_olga_
    You don't tell your followers that the people of Gaza murdered hundreds of children, a thousand adults, raped girls, burned people alive, and kidnapped over 200 innocent civilians, including 30 babies. You support ISIS.

    Ella Travels אלה קינן @EllaTravelsLove
    Does gang rape and mass slaughter "goes without saying" for you? That's just pure antisemitism. Dear Greta, you have the power to condemn it wholeheartedly and call for the release of 210 Israelis that were kidnapped by Hamas, an ISIS-like terrorist organization.

    raz_sauber @raz_sauber
    This is the most pathetic, outrageous tweet of all time

    𝕏 Philosopher @EXP_Philosopher
    Greta, if you're pro-humanity, we're waiting for you to call for the immediate release of all 210 Israelis kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas, an ISIS-like terrorist organization that slaughtered more than 1400 innocent Israelis and other nationals.

    Ella Travels אלה קינן @EllaTravelsLove
    Greta, if you're pro-humanity, we're waiting for you to call for an immediate release of all Israelis kidnapped in Gaza by Hamas, an ISIS-like terrorist organization.

    Scali @Scalibq
    It goes without saying - or so I thought - that you can't have justice and freedom for Palestinians as long as Hamas are in charge.

    Dustin Górski @dustinmoris
    Who thought 2023 would be the year when Greta Thunberg becomes an ISIS bride

    Though plenty of supportive comments too... Why is it so difficult to tell these ppl to f* off?


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