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    Simplicius: Battle for Avdeevka - Close Study Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on October 22, 2023, 6:54 am

    Much of the Ukrainian conflict has its closest comparison in the Normandy
    campaign of World War 2, just after the famed D-Day landings. The Normandy
    region is known as 'hedgerow country', populated with an endless sprawl of
    fields and pastures called bocages.

    They're constructed in such a way on purpose: the treelines are planted as
    windbreaks which block the wind from stripping the soil of the pastures. This is
    exactly how much of Ukraine's inner territory of 'The Wild Fields' is situated.

    This terrain presents a unique set of challenges for advancing forces. The most
    obvious reason is each set of treelines and hedgerows is typically garrisoned
    with defending troops who dig trenches and fortifications inside of them. They
    can see out of the treelines, using drones and other ISR methods, to spot any
    enemy crossing the fields, but the enemy has great difficulty seeing them in the
    dense vegetation.
    -- Cont'd at

    Message Thread:

    • Simplicius: Battle for Avdeevka - Close Study - sashimi October 22, 2023, 6:54 am