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    Mr Hedges is being a tad incoherent Archived Message

    Posted by SueC on October 29, 2023, 4:09 am, in reply to "Exterminate All the Brutes"

    I'm a tad suspicious of a supposedly free-thinker referring to 'Serbian genocide' - it's simply a lazy, western stereotypical view of what happened during the destruction of Yugoslavia. You don't get to serve a US establishment newspaper for decades if you're of independent mind trying to understand what's happening in complex foreign conflicts. But Mr Hedges' article becomes truly incoherent when he denounces 'humanitarian interventions' as a cover for western domination of other peoples and lands. Because where did 'humanitarian intervention' really cut its teeth? Why, in the Balkan conflicts, facilitated by the atrocity porn journalists produced on demand.

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