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    Guardian - Does Biden’s unwavering support for Israel risk his chance for re-election? Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on October 29, 2023, 1:25 pm

    Does Biden’s unwavering support for Israel risk his chance for re-election?

    To plumb the depths of media complicity and irrelevance, you now need to hire yourself a bathyscaphe.

    This article goes on to highlight this fatuous comment “Biden’s been at the top of his game – pitch perfect, morally clear, decisive – but there are real risks to having no daylight between the US and Israel", - a quote from Chris Whipple, who's written a book about Joe Biden.

    we go on - Leon Panetta, a former defence secretary and CIA director, said: “He gets it. He understands it. He understands what I think he sees as the end game here … There’s a lot of balls in the air but if anybody understands how to basically work his way through that, it’s Joe Biden.”

    This man is a stumbling, mumbling train wreck who in any normal society would be quietly put out to grass in a retirement cottage somewhere by a lake where he can fish, and keep out of everyone's way and do no more harm. These comments about Biden are just delusional.

    The idea that this incompetent and truly dangerous man, of failing mind and failing body, should be allowed to seek re-election next year is totally bizarre, but nowhere in this article, or the media generally, is there ever any question raised of this manifest absurdity,

    I don't like wishing ill-will on anyone, but I just wish he'd hurry up and get a stroke or some major and obvious debilitation medical problem, and depart the scene except of course we'd have Kamala Harris to take over the helm - God help us all.

    Message Thread:

    • Guardian - Does Biden’s unwavering support for Israel risk his chance for re-election? - John Monro October 29, 2023, 1:25 pm