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    Grayzone livestreams Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on October 29, 2023, 9:17 pm

    Looking at the GZ youtube page it doesn't look like they've been putting much of anything out, but I found today that there are a number of 1-2hr livestream videos under the 'live' tab:

    I tried watching the latest one but youtube has put an age restriction - sign in hurdle, so I found it on rokfin instead:

    A fair amount of stuff I wasn't aware of, including from Max B's contacts in Gaza, and footage I've not seen. I got a better sense of the harrowing reality of what's happening there than I have anywhere else, and you can tell MB and A.Mate are pretty traumatised by the whole thing too... Important work as ever.


    Message Thread:

    • Grayzone livestreams - Ian M October 29, 2023, 9:17 pm