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    Berletic: The 2009 US Plan for Iran War Sees New Opportunity in Israeli Gaza Ops + Update on Ukraine Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on October 30, 2023, 2:28 pm

    * Ukraine's "operational pause" is Kiev announcing the "Spring Offensive" has
    for all intents and purposes, ended;

    * West continues to suffer setbacks in supplying ammunition to Ukraine including
    diverting much of it to Israel now;

    * Israel continues air and ground attacks on Gaza, compounding a growing
    humanitarian catastrophe;

    * US policymakers since at least as early as 2009 planned to provoke Iran into a
    conflict either directly or by proxy through Israel;

    * The US is citing drone and rocket attacks on illegal US military bases in
    Syria and Iraq as a pretext to deploy anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems
    designed to down entirely different types of threats;

    * It is clear that as the US had planned in 2009, Washington and its Israeli
    allies are preparing the battlefield ahead of a deliberate effort to goad Iran
    and its allies into a wider conflict;

    * The US is fighting a 3 front proxy war through Ukraine in Eastern Europe
    against Russia, Israel in the Middle East against Iran, and Taiwan against the
    rest of China in Asia;

    * With Iran's role in supporting Russia's successful military operation in
    Ukraine, the US has added incentive to eliminate Iran as a Russian-Chinese

    * The Middle East was transforming in favor of multipolarism with the US clearly
    attempting to disrupt the process by introducing widespread conflict;

    * The US may feel the best possibility of success exists in the Middle East as
    its proxy war in Ukraine unravels and China's military capabilities continue
    to close the gap between itself and US capabilities;


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