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    USA! USA! : things are looking up... Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on October 31, 2023, 3:32 am; the wrong things...

    E.J. Antoni, Ph.D.
    From Treasury: borrowed $1 trillion last quarter, expects another $776 billion this quarter (would be miraculous since it borrowed $500 billion this month alone), then $816 billion in Q1 '24, so on track to borrow $3+ trillion this FY, as projected...

    Interest going to the moon:

    So, that's a $1.6 trillion deficit in JUST FIRST HALF of this fiscal year, almost as much as the $1.7 trillion deficit from ENTIRE PREVIOUS fiscal year...

    Message Thread:

    • USA! USA! : things are looking up... - Ken Waldron October 31, 2023, 3:32 am