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    Re: Kid Starver bang to rights Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 1, 2023, 4:08 pm, in reply to "Re: Kid Starver bang to rights"

    I suppose it goes without saying that such... intellectual and logical gymnastics, really toing full-on calculating the number of angels who might be dancing on the head of a pin; isn't something that's done whenever Russia is accused of a 'war crime' in Holy Ukraine.

    I still remember (I think!) the debate before the invasion of Iraq, about whether, in reality, international law... existed where great powers and their 'interests' were at play.

    I remember some members of my family were aghast when I didn't follow the expected path into the belly of the beast. But who would really want to go there and reek of it, forever?

    Like my wife said, when I complained that my nephew was spouting 'fascist Israeli propaganda' as he read the news the other day. If the government supports Israeli propaganda, what's he supposed to do? I seem to remember I attempted to resist every fucking step of the way! But those were different times, Dear, and, anyway they'd never let you anywhere near an open microphone.

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