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    Re: Text of the 'October Declaration' Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 1, 2023, 10:19 pm, in reply to "Text of the 'October Declaration'"

    It really is strange that some types of killing are labeled 'terrorism' and ar therefore an abomination before the world; whilst another type of killing, which greatly outnumbers the first type and also involves the deaths of children and civilians, doesn't qualifiy as... 'terrorism'.

    Why are 'we' in the West so determined to ignore the results of war, the deaths of thousands of civilians, seeing it as 'just' and 'lawful' killing, merely because we put the correct label on the action, regardless that the result is the same, the death of civilians?

    Isn't it just way too convenient for us in the West to justify our mass killing, by means of us controlling how we define and label the killing?

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