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    Re: Un-Jews. Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on November 4, 2023, 12:12 am, in reply to "Un-Jews."

    Pretty psychotic... I think the impulse to exclude and banish got nothing to do with religion in this instance. That's just the rationalisation. It really has to do with power and the response to a threat (or imagined threat) to the identity it's bound up into. Compare:

    'The Klan is also directed against whites, in some ways. White Southern Republicans are also victims of the Klan. Northerner carpetbaggers -- as they call them -- who come down, become victims of the Klan... Part of the appeal is: Okay, if there is going to be a race war, so to speak, or race violence, then all whites must unite. Those whites who have been with the Republicans are traitors. They're traitors to the race. They're traitors to the region. And all whites must now unite in opposition to this Republican government. If you stay with the Republicans, you are opening yourself up to being a victim of violence.


    The tide, in terms of white society, was running in the direction of what we would later call the "solid South." Even if you were not political, and even if you were not officially affiliated with the Republican Party, you would have been pressured in some way or the other to be silent, or to turn your head the other way at what was going on. ...A sector of this populace is expressing its point of view, and expressing it in the most violent and physical way, to re-establish white supremacy. And nothing will be tolerated. Nothing will be allowed to stand in its way, and nothing will be tolerated in this instance.

    ...Any association with blackness was deemed to be socially unacceptable in Southern society; that to be associated with black people, and to be associated with them politically, was enough to have you declared a "race traitor" or a "nigger lover;" and that this was a very powerful psychological threat that could be mobilized against people who made any effort to ally themselves with black people.'

    Similar dynamics in play for any white person supporting native american rights or opposing US imperial projects. I posted the one about the word 'sepoy' being used as a slur after the 1857 Indian mutiny:

    "A Sepoy was no longer only an Indian soldier enlisted in British military service. That remained the literal definition, but the British also began to refer to anyone suspected of harboring anti British sentiments or plotting a potential rebellion as a "sepoy." It "rapidly became a term of abuse," R.J. Morris explains, and was "reclassified in the English language as a synonym for brutality in general." - from 'The 1857 Indian Uprising and the British Empire' by
    Jill C. Bender - see: via

    If you associate with the Other, especially at times of heightened tension when it becomes most important to insist on group homogeneity, you become the Other and may even be treated as such if you don't fall into line.


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