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    Angelic Israeli Schoolgirls Sing a Song of Annihilation on Israeli TV - How the Memory of the Holoca Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on November 23, 2023, 12:20 am

    The Zionists have Reported My Speech to the Demonstration to the Police – There’s Nothing They Would Like Than For Britain to Become Another Israel

    Heidi Bachram is a 'journalist' on the Jewish Chronicle & an informer who monitors what we are saying in the hope that the Police will shut us down and criminalise us - she can be contacted on @heidibachram if you want to let her know what you think of her. Informing on people used to be a sin (lashon hara) because informers led to the deaths of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust and in Spain - Zionism however encourages what is called 'evil talk'

    Tony Greenstein Speaks to Demonstration Outside Brighton & Hove Council

    Last Wednesday at short notice, Brighton & Hove Trades Council held a picket of Hove Town Hall. The purpose was to get Labour’s silent Councillors to emulate their colleagues in other towns and cities and make a clear statement in support of an immediate ceasefire.

    For a month Labour councillors had kept silent, saying nothing about the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. I had written previously to all 38 Labour Councillors asking why they didn’t have the honesty or courage to speak out like over 600 of their colleagues nationally. I received no response. Ctd....

    Message Thread:

    • Angelic Israeli Schoolgirls Sing a Song of Annihilation on Israeli TV - How the Memory of the Holoca - Keith-264 November 23, 2023, 12:20 am