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    Re: Fraudian finally covers the people who have been displaced Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 23, 2023, 9:58 am, in reply to "Fraudian finally covers the people who have been displaced"

    The Israelis are implementing the 'one state solution' before our eyes. To destroy Gaza and drive the Palestinian people out, means total Israeli/Jewish control over historic Palestine and the final destruction of the idea of two states living side by side in peace. Israel will never allow the Palestinians to have their own state, especially not know, after the Hamas raid in October, which shook the Israelis to their collective core. The Palestinians have to be crushed and subjugated, whatever it takes; because to allow them any sort of real freedom, means they will use their right to resist occupation and Israel cannot allow that.

    Israel wants the Palestinians to accept their total defeat in Palestine and their role as virtual slaves, or be ethnically cleansed and exterminated if they don't. That is the goal of Israeli ultra-natationalism, of modern Zionism of the most extreme kind.

    Obviously our media/politicians, the BBC/Guardian, cannot openly go anywhere near these harsh and criminal realities, so they choose to ignore them and instead embrace misinformation and propaganda on an epic scale.

    Only it's increasingly difficult to mainstain this stance, in relation to the rest of the world or the Muslim minority in the UK, and the slowly increasing number of journalists from a Muslim background, who can see they've been lied to about the true character of the institutions they work for, like the BBC, and the nature of the 'Democracy' we are supposed to live in.

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