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    Re: Gaza Exposes Naked Brutality and Deeper Crisis of US-Led World Order Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 25, 2023, 3:56 pm, in reply to "Gaza Exposes Naked Brutality and Deeper Crisis of US-Led World Order"

    What the ghastly mass killing in Gaza shows, is that the West is now willing and ready to use and sanction... genocide and ethnic cleansing on a truly massive scale in order to protect its interests.

    This is a shocking lurch towards facism and downright barbarism. God knows we've committed terrible crimes across the globe since we began our great expansion five hundred years ago, but there seemed to be a period, which now seems so short, the sixties and seventies, when, at least the Europeans, appeared to reject the worst and most bloody excesses of imperialism/colonialism; that era, for the elite, seems to be ending as the wheels begin to hop off of our war wagon.

    Not least, intellectually, the West is ready to defend mass slaughter as justified as long as our 'intent' is good and its carried out in 'self-defence.' Take the disgraceful position of the British Labour Party as a vile example of this and their blood-spattered leader, Cur Starmer.

    I dunno where this ends, as we seem to be abandoning all restraint along with Israel. In the absence of a revolution to remove the ruling elite, I imagine we'll keep on going down this blood-soaked path until someone stops us moving along it.

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