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    Re: Brilliant. Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on November 26, 2023, 12:03 pm, in reply to "Re: Brilliant."

    I don't think either were Jewish or actually from Lidice - that was a town the nazis chose for liquidation because a few skimpy lines of intelligence pointed to members of the resistance having stayed or operated from there. Callum Macdonald's book, 'The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich' is a good read on the subject including critical commentary on the role of exiled Czech leadership in London, suggesting that president Benes pushed for the assassination - which was largely organised by British intelligence - in part to ensure his position in Czechoslovakia after the war. There are always forces behind the scenes manoeuvring to take advantage of apparently simple heroic acts. And innocent people always suffer as a consequence (not that they wouldn't have suffered otherwise, just in different ways).

    Anyway, I'm just nitpicking really. Enjoyed the piece, which is a decent exposure of Morgan's rhetorical tactics.

    Repost of this MEE article fwiw:


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