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    Re: Zionist anti-Palestine censorship is surging w/Dylan Saba - The Chris Hedges Report Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 26, 2023, 1:46 pm, in reply to "Zionist anti-Palestine censorship is surging w/Dylan Saba - The Chris Hedges Report"

    Think that these kind of outrageous acts and intimidation, this level of censorship, wildly reactionary and fundamentally undemocratic, goes unexamined and unreported in our mainstream media. This is the introduction and imposition of virtual wartime levels of censorship about a conflict that's happening overseas and, officially, isn't our conflict, because, official, we aren't involved.

    It's like 'bourgeois liberal democracy' is disappearing before our eyes. Paradoxically though, it does idicate that the Zionists have lost the argument and their propaganda isn't working anymore like it used to. The ruling elite is losing control of what the masses think and this really, really, worries them. The 'one voice' media losing it too. This is because the old stream, legacy, mass media no longer accurately reflects the view of the people and is detachced from reality.

    The media is like an established Church that no longer reflects the religiouos beliefs of the congregation and other voices are stepping up to speak for the people and reflect their views accurately. This is very dangerous for the media/established Church and their priests/journalists grip on ideas and power. Usually this kind of ideological/doctrinal chasm between the people and the ruling elites views, leads to even more conflict going forward.

    When the ruling elite no longer allows or finds space for dissent and opposition, the system isn't elastic enough to absorb basic freedom of political speech, then things are at a critical stage. The system is afraid of the people and only has the weapon of oppression left at its disposal.

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