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    Re: Caitlin: Israel Has Damaged Israel’s Reputation Far Worse Than Its Enemies Ever Have Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 26, 2023, 7:22 pm, in reply to "Caitlin: Israel Has Damaged Israel’s Reputation Far Worse Than Its Enemies Ever Have"

    I was watching Morgan interview Sean Penn. Penn was deeply troubled about what was happening in Gaza and what was happening in Israel under the leadership of Nethanyahu. Penn is no fan of him.

    What struck me though was how the two of them agreed that Israel had a 'moral' right to seek the elimination of Hamas, even though, sadly, this meant that thousands of civilians inside Gaza were killed.

    How can killing twenty thousand defenceless, innocent civilians for a raid by Hamas that they didn't take part in and aren't responisible for, be labelled... 'moral'? Which is this context, means that Israel's war making is right, proper and just, not a heinous crime that is overwhelmingly worse than Hamas's, or makes it pale in comparison.

    Why is it that our, the West's use of war and violence, thought of as 'moral' whilst anyone elses is seen as a blatant crime and immoral?

    Isn't this just a convenient cover story we use and exploit to hide our crimes? We kill twenty thousand civilians in Gaza in response to Hamas, supposedly, killing far less Israelis, yet, still we are the innocent victims? And we choose to label ourselves as moral? Have we gone completely mad?

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