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    Re: "What about the 7th of October?" Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 27, 2023, 8:16 am, in reply to "Re: "What about the 7th of October?""

    I was listening to the radio and they had a 'military expert' on, and he talked about the 'threat' posed by Hamas to Israel and how Israel had decided, pushed by public opinion, that Hamas had to be 'eradicated once and for all' and that Gaza must never again function as a staging post for attacks against Israel...

    They then had an interview with a leading Israeli politician who said almost the same thing...

    If one reversed the... 'arguments' and talked about eradicating Israel, once and for all, as a threat to the Palestinians/Gaza, a staging post for attacks, and the Palestinians could never really feel safe as long as the IDF and Israel existed in its current form...

    This would be regarded as toweringly outrageous and brazenly antisemitic, calling for the destruction of Israel... The worst is, I don't believe these guests are aware of how they sound and how they think, the automatic bias built into their way of looking at the world and multiplied by the postions within the state/media they occupy.

    Then, to cap it all, the BBC just had to interview Jonathan Freedland, who preached about Israel and the worldwide Jewish community's 'terrible trauma' linked to the threat of annihilation...

    Nothing about the Palestinian 'trauma', the lastest one, after the slaughter of upwards of 20,000 people in Gaza. Freedland has the Chutzpa to even mention the word 'peace'. But of course, this would only happen after the latest Israeli massacre and the fighting stopped! No, he didn't say that of course, the last bit.

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