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    Re: Fancy that: Greta Thunberg chanting "Crush Zionism!" Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on November 27, 2023, 6:27 pm, in reply to "Fancy that: Greta Thunberg chanting "Crush Zionism!""

    Respect for sticking to her guns on this. Undoes some of the damage done by sucking up to Zelensky. I've noticed that her twitter feed is completely swamped by Zionist trolls at the moment, making the most vile & absurd comments. In scrolling through recent ones I've barely found a single positive response. Probably she has been singled out as a special target considering Israhell's 'tiktok problem' of losing the yoof. Here's what was under the most recent 'school strike' post, which had a photo with banners in support of Palestine and against the genocide. None deleted by me. I'm starting to recognise a few of the accounts making multiple comments under each post:


    הסולידית @hasolidit
    Fearmongering apocalyptic zealots obsessed with pre-modern doomsday prophecies. Your hatred for the west, modernity, human progress and ordinary people explains your unholy alliance with the Islamic death cult.

    הסולידית @hasolidit
    You failed to condemn the most egregious act of violence against Jews since the Holocaust.

    You openly sided with the aggressor.

    And now you chant "crush Zionism", publicly supporting the
    destruction of Israel while denying Jews' right to self-determination.

    Vile antisemite.

    מנחם מנדל @Mendel1441
    Wait, do the Jewish children in Israel also deserve a future?!?

    Danel Ben Namer @DanelBenNamer
    Simple question
    [image text: 'Does Greta support the Irish people?']

    Deanik_k ✨@Deanik_k
    Greta and her friends support this:
    ⚠️⚠️⚠️: “Innocent Civilian” proudly recorded himself live in the October 7 massacre and doing those horrible thing (The pictures speak for themselves).
    Now he is probably shouting to the world “Ceasefire now” and you idiots are supporting him.

    Danel Ben Namer @DanelBenNamer
    Greta, simple question: do you support or condemn the Irish 🇮🇪 protests against Jihad?

    Yaari Cohen @YaariCohen
    Greta, while families in Israel are preparing to receive some of their loved ones and others are in anguish with no certainty regarding the fate of their loved ones, you instead uploaded this tone-deaf post. I recommend you do some soul-searching.

    Yaari Cohen @YaariCohen
    🚨 The IDF has completed its preparations for receiving the returning hostages, including setting up initial welcoming points, sites with toys for younger children, and providing medical treatment for those in need.

    Deanik_k ✨ @Deanik_k
    Greta and her friends support this:
    Say it with me.

    Gal.G, Adv 🇮🇱 🏖️ @GalG____
    Always the psychopath

    הביטונז' @MeytalinkaVan
    Do you support a terrorist attack in Ireland or is your "compassion" limited only to the Middle East region?

    Andreas Ludt @eraz00r
    You have lost all my respect. How dare you?

    Tamir Magen 💔 תמיר מגן @tmgn66
    Why do you support ISIS?
    Who is your sponsor?

    Ella Travels (Ella Kenan) @EllaTravelsLove
    It's official: Greta Thunberg is no longer a climate activist, Greta openly supports Hamas, is an antisemite and that should be dealt with authorities in Sweden.

    Ella Travels (Ella Kenan)
    @EllaTravelsLove Nov 25…
    Greta Thunberg chants "Krossa Sionismen" (Crush Zionism) with the crowd at a pro-Palestinian rally in Stockholm on Thursday.
    @GretaThunberg is openly (!) an antisemite, ISIS supporter that is officially no longer a climate activist.

    Maya Goldin @maya_goldin
    Hey @GretaThunberg, any thoughts about Dublin at this #FridaysForFuture or you simply support all terror attacks and not just against Jews?

    [image text: 'Greta Thunberg suports ISIS']

    Duncan Gray @DuncanGray
    You forgot your #ThursdaysForTerrorism post.

    AmericanSanityMagazine @AmericanHoodE
    AmericanSanityMagazine @AmericanHoodE
    Replying to @GretaThunberg
    AmericanSanityMagazine @AmericanHoodE
    Never!! [3x images with text 'I will fight to my last breathe [sic] against Islam']

    Alexander @SAzrayev
    #Fridaysforfuture is dedicated once again to all our loved ones who were kidnapped by the ISIS-like terror organization Hamas.
    We are waiting to all our loved ones to return home.
    @GretaThunberg please call for the immediate release of all hostages, support humanity rather than terror.…
    Emma Doell @emma_doell
    Dear Greta

    You are making the mistake everyone made, and that is why no one could fight the climate crisis.

    Too many issues were included. 🤷‍♀️

    We might possibly reach an agreement on man-made climate change by now, but Palestine is a completely different topic that needs to be extensively discussed....

    .... we don't have time for that. 🤷‍♀️

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