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    Re: "Centrist"? Try neo-fascist Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on November 29, 2023, 7:25 pm, in reply to ""Centrist"? Try neo-fascist"

    The longer this 'war' goes on the deeper the splits on the 'left' are going to get. This spat between two Guardianistas is symptomatic.

    Whilst I, personally, wouldn't like to see Israel wiped off the map, I do think it's both legitimate and understandable, that many Palestinians dream about such an outcome, considering how much effort Israel has put into their project to wipe Palestine off the map using genocide as a weapon. Whilst some Palestinians may use language and rhetoric, and people on the Left support them; Ball and others seem oblivious to the fact that Israel doesn't just talk about wiping Palestine off the map, they've actually done it!

    Ball and others like him, also seem to ignore the fact that if Israel and its Jewish population are going to continue living in the region; Israel in its current configuration, as a Jewish supremisist state, has to undergo massive, structural, change/reforms that'll massively alter its current apartheid form, before it's too late and compromise with their neighbours becomes impossible. The more Palestinians they kill, the more likely it is that Israel will eventually be destroyed.

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