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    Mark Sleboda: Negotiation & Peace Talk Chatter is Rubbish, Republican Congress Just Holding Ukraine Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on November 29, 2023, 9:59 pm

    - Aid as Leverage for Domestic Issues, Russia to Sell Jets & Helicopters to Iran
    Radio Interview on the Critical Hour 28/11/23

    * US Denies It's Pressuring Ukraine to Negotiate With Russia.
    They are probably honest about that much at least. This whole story appears to
    be just narrative management control. No one (US, EU, Ukraine, Russia) is
    interested in negotiations and peace except on their own terms. This conflict
    will not end anytime soon.

    * Sen. Schumer Vows to Bring Bill for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan Funding to
    Floor for Vote Soon -
    US House Speaker Mike Johnson makes perfectly clear that Biden will get his
    money for Ukraine war as soon as he pays off the Republicans on border security
    issues. He is simply using the issue for domestic political leverage.

    * Confirmation that Russia will be selling SU-35 fighter jets and MI28
    Helicopters to Iran as part of new closer military-strategic partnership

    Message Thread:

    • Mark Sleboda: Negotiation & Peace Talk Chatter is Rubbish, Republican Congress Just Holding Ukraine - sashimi November 29, 2023, 9:59 pm