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    Tarik Cyril Amar: Not All Empty Cribs Are the Same - ElonMusk's Moral Idiotism in a Time of Genocide Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on November 29, 2023, 11:23 pm

    29 Nov 2023

    On Tuesday, 28 November 2023, footage from inside a Palestinian hospital in Gaza
    went viral. It showed the decomposing physical remains of five Palestinian
    babies, who had been abandoned to die, slowly and alone. Among the mind-numbing
    and soul-crushing horrors that Israel and its accomplices, first of all the USA,
    have produced in their currently delicately "paused" genocide of the
    Palestinians, this one still managed to stand out.

    The premature babies were even more dependent on care and protection than
    infants usually are. That care was withdrawn because Israeli forces stormed the
    Al-Nasr Hospital and ordered all staff and patients to leave. The babies could
    not be moved. Despite Israeli assurances that the Red Cross would be informed to
    save them, they were left to die. Between the moment of their abandonment and
    the discovery of their corpses, 17 days passed.

    There are many aspects of this atrocity that deserve attention. First of all,
    the victims and their families, each and every one of them. Then the
    perpetrators: the Israeli soldiers who stormed yet another hospital, as part of
    Israel's systematic campaign of devastating Gaza's vital infrastructure; their
    officers in the field, the men and women who issued their orders, and so on,
    right to the genocidaire-in-chief Benjamin Netanyahu and his government of
    criminals. And beyond that their accomplices in the West, of course.

    But there is one thing that deserves attention and may nonetheless be
    overlooked. Just one day before the pictures of the murdered babies at Al-Nasr
    hit the world, its single richest individual, tech billionaire Elon Musk stood
    in front of an empty crib in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Aza.
    -- Cont'd at

    Message Thread:

    • Tarik Cyril Amar: Not All Empty Cribs Are the Same - ElonMusk's Moral Idiotism in a Time of Genocide - sashimi November 29, 2023, 11:23 pm