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    Final Solution... US aid-style Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on December 6, 2023, 10:38 pm

    Arnaud Bertrand
    I don't think people have processed just how crazy this report published in Israel's Hayom newspaper (owned by the family of Sheldon Adelson, the casino mogul) is:

    It describes how “senior US lawmakers review [a] plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries. The proposal, which reportedly has support from senior officials in both parties, calls on the US to condition foreign aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey on those countries accepting a certain number of refugees”.

    In other words this is the US actively planning the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (with "support from senior officials in both parties"), by looking into tying aid to Arab countries to them receiving the refugees. Which obviously completely contradicts what the Biden administration is publicly saying on the matter, and violates just about every principle of international law.

    As described in the report, "the plan even goes so far as to envision how many Gazan residents each of these countries will receive: one million in Egypt, half a million for Turkey, 250,000 for Iraq, and another 250,000 for Yemen".

    Which totals to... the entirety of the Gazan population.

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