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    In a crowded field, this guy could be the dumbest zionist tool Archived Message

    Posted by RaskolnikovX on February 16, 2024, 9:31 am

    He is getting dismantled in the replies.

    Rappaport is such an idiot it's possible he actually believes the nonsense he comes out with but when the contradictory evidence presented in the thread is so blatant it's hard to believe it doesn't give him pause for ....thought...ahhhh, I think I see the flaw in my premise.

    I especially loved this attempt at something, I'm not sure what he thought he was proving here:

    " Had one of the BEST home cooked farm to table meals of my life last night in one of those “Settlements” "

    So he posted that under a picture of a dinner spread on a table and put settlements in inverted commas as if the fact that he had a good meal there somewhow made them not settlements.

    He really is a cretin.

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