Re: Fiery Israel-Palestine Debate with Bassem Youssef Archived Message
Posted by RaskolnikovX on April 15, 2024, 6:00 pm, in reply to "Fiery Israel-Palestine Debate with Bassem Youssef"
I've been watching quite a lot of Bassem lately; he is excellent. This dude (the pod cast host and "other side" in this debate) however is a dick head. I guess having polarised sides to a debate does tend to make it better viewing sometimes but I find KK(K) hard to listen to. Not sure if I posted this here already or not, but I'll throw it anyway: [url=
He also did a "debate" against this raging moron on that snake-oil salesman Patrick Bet David's podcast mostly against Adam Sosnick (the raging moron) which was astonishing for the vitriol thrown against Bassem and also staggering for how constantly wrong and out of his depth Sosnick was. When the podcasts "home" fans all comment that you got absolutely shown up on the video you know it went badly! Worth watching just for seeing how to handle dishonest talking points and lies. : [url=