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    Tony Greenstein ‘An Ordinary Rebel’ - A film by Helena Aksentijevic Archived Message

    Posted by Keith-264 on May 8, 2024, 10:35 am
    8 May 2024

    Aksentijevic's Film at the P21, May 17 examines the Role of Zionism during the Holocaust as well as my journey from Zionist Youth to Prominent anti-Zionist

    You can book a ticket for £5 here

    It was about 6 months ago that I was approached by Helena Aksentijevic as to whether I would agree to her making a half hour film about my role in the Palestine solidarity and anti-Zionist movement.
    Tony Greenstein ‘An Ordinary Rebel’

    Confrontation with the Police on Demonstration Against Israel's Invasion of Lebanon in 20026 in Brighton

    Helena had already made a number of similar films about people in Palestine solidarity and in opposition to Zionism such as Moshe Machover, Sabby Sagall, Ghada Karmi, Naomi Wimborne Idrissi, Bernard Regan and Stephen Kapos.

    I was more than happy to cooperate as it a way of explaining why I have been active on the issue of Palestine and Zionism for over 50 years and how I became an anti-Zionist.

    Tickets will cost £5 to defray the costs to P21 Theatre who have kindly allowed us to use the venue. There will be light refreshments and I am also happy to reduce the price of a signed copy of my book from £12 to £10.

    The evening will start off with the film and then I will have a discussion with Luca Salice, who is a translator and visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster, as well as co-chair of Camden PSC, before opening up to the audience for a Q&A.

    Message Thread:

    • Tony Greenstein ‘An Ordinary Rebel’ - A film by Helena Aksentijevic - Keith-264 May 8, 2024, 10:35 am