Posted by Ian M on May 10, 2024, 8:23 pm, in reply to "Re: found it..."
No worries,
re: the quote, what's wrong with growing rice, communism or no communism? I'd argue it's a better situation than being forced to move to a city and working for a corporation pitilessly exploiting your 'inexpensive labor' to produce throwaway consumer trinkets for affluent westerners.
Good point about the embargo. I struggle to believe that becoming a neoliberal export-oriented economy supplying the country that ruined yours, likely killing multiple family members, is going to make you forget the past or pay no heed to how you're being exploited in the present. But maybe it's just me, deprived as I am of the kind of insights into these matters you would get from running an investment firm providing 'funding for private and public technology and communications companies'.