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    Re: Ofcom Refuses to Investigate GB News Over Climate Conspiracy Theories Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on May 11, 2024, 8:41 am, in reply to " Ofcom Refuses to Investigate GB News Over Climate Conspiracy Theories"

    Hard to know which is the love child of Saroman: Neil Oliver who got his looks or Patrick Moore who inherited the turncoat penchant for plundering the environment. I'm still waiting on him drinking that perfectly safe quart of glyphosphate whilst his Orks chop the trees down.

    On the issue brought up: the conspiracy theory that a" “depopulation agenda” exists that seeks to “remove seven and a half billion people from the world...”
    Well, mass death & misery is little more than what will happen either following a "net zero emissions by 2050" plan which at present completely neglects the required massive investment & mitigation to avoid the said malthusian outcome, or indeed by following alternatively the head-in-the-tar-sands path clearly preferred by the oil & gas sleazy-slick owners of GB news.

    -Are the present day greens are any better that Moore though? supporting as they do destructive & environmentally toxic warfare, resulting among other things in a hugely increased budget for European defence spending and that of the US armed forces:already “ of the largest climate polluters in history, consuming more liquid fuels and emitting more CO2e (carbon-dioxide equivalent) than most countries”...then of course add the massive ommissions from the Russian side and pepper the whole lot with the millions of shellholes contaminated with depleted uranium, heavy metals and other toxins covering hundreds of miles of what were prior to this some of the most fertile food producing lands on the planet.

    Increasingly keen on having a go at China too, just to prove how utterly unconcerned they are over the rapid depletion of resources on deficit activity like warfare and at the same time equally uninterested in the ready-geared opportunities that China offers to create a low carbon energy infrastructure: perhaps the last chance salon for at least some mitigation to avoid all the lights going out.

    -I'm afraid the mass death option seems less a "conspiracy theory" and more the unspoken but actualy preferred solution from both sides: an eschatological consensus that we are no longer required in such large numbers and they don't really give a damn how we go: as long as we do.

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