Guardian article - the one that arises in the parallel universe that is the MSM in the West.
The party was elected 12 years ago after those who drove the changes in Georgian politics in the early 2000s were blamed for antagonising Russia, leading to an invasion and full-scale war in 2008.
No mention of the promise of joining NATO being the precipitant of the invasion, and the experience of Georgia being mirrored in Ukraine.
Georgia should indeed be free to chart its own course but that when that course is being steered by the US, then that is not an act of freedom, and has often proved to be the recipe for disaster. I mean the very title of the article "US warns Georgia" gives the game away, by what right has the US to say anything at all to this country about what it does - Tbilisi is 5, 777 miles from Washington. But there'll not be a single comment in our media pointing this obvious problem out.
It looks for the moment that the US's "investment" of billions of dollars in interfering in the domestic politics of Georgia is going down the drain, but it won't stop the US continuing to interfere when and where it can.