Re: Why is he talking like a pretend American? Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron  on May 15, 2024, 3:36 am, in reply to "Re: Why is he talking like a pretend American?"
"Medhurst's childish enthusiasm for the horror of war is distasteful and I am not going to continue watching it..." Yes. Unfortunately with drones and phone cameras there's a glut of such stuff and it's everywhere. It might be an understandable solace to watch a perpetrator destroyed if you or family have personally suffered from his injustice, but mostly it's unpleasant voyeurism. The ones I find most appalling are those which show drones chasing individual soldiers: truly horrible. I must though confess to finding something acceptable in watching the monstrous multi-million pound grim death machines of the military Industrial complex go up in smoke by means of a cheap drone.